The Naxi is a minority with a long history and a brilliant culture. It has become known worldwide or having kept its own ancient and unique Dongba Culture and thus claimed to be a small ethnic group that has created a grand culture.
The Dongba culture is a most inclusive term referring mainly to the language and scriptures. The Dongba language is actually composed of 1,400 picture-like characters and symbols that are still used by Dongbas, researchers and artists of the culture. It is by now the only living hieroglyph in the world and is regarded as a precious cultural relic of mankind. Dongba scriptures cover a wide range of subjects, ranging from religion, philosophy, literature, art, astronomy and history to folk costume, music, dance and painting.
Dongba Culture Museum is the best place to get a close look at Dongba culture. The museum has more than 10000 Dongba cultural relics and various other historical relics and offers the "Dongba Culture Exhibition".