See Shanghai Acrobatic Show with our MONEY !!!

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Winners: Anne King, Zoe Reyholds, John Ford

It is no secret that when you hear the words “Chinese acrobat” you think about something very unique. Well the Chinese acrobatic show in Shanghai is the perfect example of this incredible performance. Having evolved over thousands of years, the Chinese acrobatic show in Shanghai is a brilliant display of strength, endurance, flexibility and sheer will power; which leaves the audience wanting more. Experience this incredible show and be totally mesmerized by the sheer majesty of this inspiring performance, set against the back drop of one of the most advanced cities in the world, which cannot be seen anywhere else in the world.

Come and enjoy a real Acrobatic Show with our compliments!

Portman Acrobatic Show Programme List:

Hula Hoops Jolly Cook Squeezing through the Barrel Juggling Benches Pagoda of Bowls
Nose Balancing Glasses Balancing Cross Rings Plate Spinning Playing-card Miracles
Squeezing through the Barrier for two girls Modeling Soft body for girls Bowler Hats and Sticks Balancing on the Chair Kick the Bowls on Rocking Board
Pagoda of Benches Jumps from spring board performers Foot Juggling Hoop Diving on the table Jar Juggling
Climb Bamboo Play diabolo Bicycle Skill Foot Juggling Skill of two boys
Head Walking Kicking Bowls on the Bicycle Comics Grand Teeterboard Cross Teeterboard

Where to see : serves you a splendid acrobatic show in shanghai --- Portman Acrobatic Show, on 4th floor of the Portman Ritz-Carlton Hotel, performed by Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe which is a well-known Chinese professional acrobatics performing group which was founded in 1951.

More information about Shanghai Acrobatics details :

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1 . The contest will run from January 16th to February 15th, 2012.
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